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Creating a scan with an SBOM or Lockfile

This guide will walk you through the process of uploading a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) or Lock file to improve your scan's findings in the application. An SBOM is a detailed list of all the components used in an application. Performing a scan with an SBOM extends dependency detection.

1. Click "New Scan"

Click New Scan

2. Click "Android App" or "iOS App" depending on your target scan.

Select the option to scan either an Android App or an iOS App. Supported formats are .apk, .aab and .ipa.

Select the asset type

3. Upload your file

Drag and drop the application file onto the designated area.

Upload the application file

4. Click "Continue"

Proceed by clicking on the "Continue" button.

Click continue

5. Upload your SBOM or Lock file

Drag and drop the SBOM or lock file onto the designated area.

Upload the SBOM or lockfile

6. Click "Continue"

Proceed by clicking on the "Continue" button.

Proceed to the scan profile step

7. Select your scan profile. Select "Fast Scan" for static-only checks or "Full Scan" for static, dynamic, and backend checks.

Select your scan profile. Select "Fast Scan" for SAST only checks.

Select a scan profile

8. Click "Submit"

Submit the scan by clicking on the "submit" button. Fast takes less than an hour on average to complete. You should be able to access the scan from the scans menu.

Click submit

9. Generate a gradle lockfile for Android

Check your project for a gradle.lockfile file. If it does not exist, follow these steps to generate one.

  • Add the following to your build.gradle.kts or build.gradle file:
    dependencyLocking {

Generate a gradle lockfile for Android

10. Generate the Flutter lock file

Check your project for a pubspec.lock file. If it does not exist, you can generate one by running flutter pub get.

Generate the Flutter lock file

11. Generate an SBOM for Android, iOS or Flutter

Numerous SBOM generation tools are available that simplify the process of listing all the components of an application. We're going to use Syft to generate an SBOM for our Android, iOS or Flutter application.

In the root of your project, type syft . -o {file_format}, e.g:

syft . -o spdx
Example output of SPDX SBOM for Android

Supported SBOM/Lock files

  • SPDX
  • CycloneDX
  • gradle.lockfile
  • pubspec.lock
  • buildscript-gradle.lockfile
  • pnpm-lock.yaml
  • package-lock.json
  • packages.lock.json
  • pom.xml
  • Gemfile.lock
  • yarn.lock
  • Cargo.lock
  • composer.lock
  • conan.lock
  • mix.lock
  • go.mod
  • requirements.txt
  • Pipfile.lock
  • poetry.lock