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Ticket Creation

Welcome to the Ostorlab tutorial on creating a ticket. This guide will walk you through the steps to effectively create a ticket using the Ostorlab platform.

Step 1: Navigate to Remediation

To begin, locate the Remediation option in the left menu or simply click on the Remediation button at the top of the page.


Next, click on the "Create Ticket" button.

Create Ticket

Step 2: Add Title

Provide a meaningful title for your ticket.

Add Title

Step 3: Add Description

Include detailed information about the issue in the provided field, utilizing Markdown format for clarity.

Add Description

Step 4: Select Priority

Assign a priority level to your ticket by clicking on the settings icon.

Select Priority

The current priority is set to 0. To modify it, click on the drop-down menu and choose your desired priority.

Modify Priority

Step 5: Add Tags

Enhance ticket categorization by adding relevant tags. Click on the Add icon and input the desired tags, such as "bug".

Add Tags Add Tags

Step 6: Assign Ticket to a User

Assign the ticket to a specific user in your organization by clicking on the user icon.

Assign Ticket

Enter the user's email and select the appropriate user from the list.

Select User Select User

Step 7: Set Resolution Date

Specify resolution dates for the ticket by clicking on the respective option.

Resolution Date

Choose the desired dates for resolution.

Choose Dates

Step 8: Save Ticket

Finally, save the ticket by clicking on the save button at the top of the ticket interface.

Save Ticket

This guide covered the essential steps for a seamless ticket creation process.