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Automation rules

In this guide you will learn how to set up automation rules in Ostorlab, Automation rules help streamline common tasks like assigning assets to an owner.

Go to

1. Click the menu button

Menu Button

2. Access the Policies section.

Policies Section

3. Open the Automation Rules tab.

Automation Rules Tab

4. Create a new rule.

Create Rule Button

5. Select a context from the following list:

  • Attack surface
  • Inventory
  • Remediation

Context Selection

6. Add a name to the rule.

Rule Name Input

7. Apply the desired filter, such as filtering by asset type for example: iOS or Android assets, by owner, or by creation time.

Filter Configuration

8. Select Action, which can be for instance auto assign-owners, set tags or send email notifications, in our case, we will assign an owner to the Ip assets.

Action Selection Owner Assignment

9. Select the owner.

Owner Selection

10. Add the rule.

Add Rule Button

11. Then save it.

Save Rule

12. The rule will now run automatically, or you can trigger it manually by clicking this button.

Manual Trigger

13. Automation rules can be useful for instance you can notify a user when a new asset is discovered.

  • 1. Add a new rule and select Attack surface context New Notification Rule
  • 2. Give the rule a name, for example (Notify me when a new IP is discovered) Notification Rule Name
  • 3. Select the type of the asset for example IP Asset Type Selection
  • 4. For the action select (Notify results) Notify Action Selection
  • 5. Add the message to send in the notification email Notification Message
  • 6. Click on ADD button to save the rule Add Notification Rule Rule Added Success

This guide covered the process of setting up an automation rule that auto assigns Ip assets to an owner in Ostorlab.