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The Remediation section of the dashboard groups all ticket related metrics.

Ticket status trends are monthly and daily metrics showing changes in how many tickets are opened, re-opened, fixed, verified or marked as a false-positive or exceptions. This metric can reflect the velocity of your team at handling and fixing bugs.

Remediation: Ticket Status Trend Remediation: Ticket Status

Out-of-slo ticket

The out-of-slo metric shows how many tickets do not respect your configured patching policy. Ostorlab allows you to define your patching policy by risk rating or ticket priority. This metric either shows an inadequate patching policy or the need for more resources to address the volume and urgency of identified vulnerabilities.

Remediation: Out of SLO

Issue Average Fix Time (Days)

The Issue Average Fix Time metric shows how many tickets are fixed per risk rating.

Remediation: Issue Average Fix Time (Days)

Ticket Per Assigned Per Date

These metrics show the number of tickets assigned to each user per date.

Remediation: Ticket Per Assigned Per Date

Ticket Priority

These metrics show the number of pending tickets on a daily basis.

Remediation: Ticket Priority