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Advanced Search and Navigation

This guide will walk you through the attack surface's advanced search and navigation.

Go to your organisation's dashboard.


Navigate to the Attack Surface page.

Attack Surface Page

Then Select the Discovery option.

Discovery Option

The Attack Surface menu is equipped with a powerful search.

Search Menu

That allows you to :

Search using ownership, which accepts the following values: acquisition, internal, rejected, third-party service.

Ownership Search

Search using the type of assets, which can be an IP, a domain, a subdomain, an Android or iOS application, an organization, an ASN, a TLD, an email, an address, a person, or a service.

Type Search

We can also use a normal search.

Normal Search

We can use the depth to indicate the depth of the graph.

Depth Search

For example If we set the depth to 1, we can access and observe the immediate relationships linked directly to the asset.

Depth 1 Example

And by choosing a depth of 2, we expand our view to encompass the relationships extending to the second level, revealing connections beyond the immediate ones.

Depth 2 Example

We can set a limit, determining the maximum number of assets displayed.

Limit Search

Click on the search menu. If you are not familiar with the search tag, suggestions of possible values are shown. Either click on one and complete it or type it directly.

Search Suggestions