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Broadcast receiver dynamic registration

Broadcast receiver dynamic registration


One or more of the application's broadcast receivers is dynamically registered in the code and not protected by signature permission in the AndroidManifest.xml file. All of the dynamically registered receivers are exported. Using a malware application, an attacker can broadcast arbitrary data to the exported receiver, which can lead to invocation of different components of the application or to code execution. For example, a lot of broadcast receivers are programmed to receive SMS messages or GCM messages. To work properly, these receivers should always be exported to receive data from other applications, such as the SMS app or the GCM framework. To secure receivers like this, you should always declare appropriate permissions during the call to the registerReceiver method. Broadcast receivers represent a likely exploitable component which is often used to start services, so it's highly recommended to check all of the external data is passed to them. To enable the most restrictive and therefore secure policy, you should minimize the number of exported intents by using the signature permissions.


Make sure you are only exporting broadcast receivers that really need the ability to be started by any third-party applications; or create a permission with android:protectionLevel="signature" in the AndroidManifest.xml file and use it for all broadcast receivers that are to be started only by your applications, setting exported="false" for all broadcast receivers that should not be started by third-party applications at all.